BSE evolution model¶
The high-level binary evolution model is shown in Figure 4.
The binary evolution model is driven by the Evolve()
function in the BaseBinaryStar
class, which evolves the star through its entire
lifetime by doing the following:
if touching
STOP = true
calculate initial time step
STOP = false
DO WHILE NOT STOP AND NOT max iterations:
evolve a single time step
evolve each constituent star a single time step (see the :ref:`SSE evolution model`)
if error OR unbound OR touching OR Massless Remnant
STOP = true
evaluate the binary
calculate mass transfer
calculate winds mass loss
if common envelope
resolve common envelope
else if supernova
resolve supernova
resolve mass changes
evaluate supernovae
calculate total energy and angular momentum
update magnetic field and spin: both constituent stars
if unbound OR touching OR merger
STOP = true
if NS+BH
resolve coalescence
STOP = true
if WD+WD OR max time
STOP = true
if NOT max iterations
calculate new time step