
Module to sample an COMPAS h5 file.

This allows users to sample a COMPAS h5 file to contain a smaller set of systems, or upsample a COMPAS h5 file (sample with replacements) to contain a larger set of systems.

Command line interface for h5sample

Sample an COMPAS h5 file.

usage: compas_h5sample [-h] [--output_filepath OUTPUT_FILEPATH] [--n N]
                       [--frac FRAC] [--replace REPLACE]
                       [--seed_group SEED_GROUP] [--seed_key SEED_KEY]

Positional Arguments


Path to the COMPAS h5 file.

Named Arguments


Path to the output COMPAS h5 file. If None, the output filepath will be the input filepath with '_sampled' appended.


Number of binaries to sample.


Fraction of binaries to sample.


Sample with or without replacement.

Default: False


Group to get binary seed list to sample from.

Default: "Run Details"


Key to get binary seed list to sample from.

Default: "SEED"