
This program displays summary, header, and content information for specified COMPAS HDF5 file(s). It's fairly rudimetary - the HDF5 package provides h5dump and h5ls which have far more options than this program - but this program is somewhat COMPAS aware.

h5view usage

h5view.py [-h] [-f FILENAME_FILTER] [-r [RECURSION_DEPTH]] [-S] [-H]
               [-C [CONTENTS]] [-s] [-x EXCLUDE_GROUP [EXCLUDE_GROUP ...]]
               [-V SEED_LIST [SEED_LIST ...]]
               input [input ...]

HDF5 file content viewer.

positional arguments:
    input directory and/or file name(s)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help
    show this help message and exit
    input filename filter (default = *)
    recursion depth (default is no recursion)
  -S, --summary
    display summary output for HDF5 file (default is not to displat summary)
  -H, --headers
    display file headers for HDF5 file (default is not to display headers)
  -C [CONTENTS], --contents [CONTENTS]
    display file contents for HDF5 file: argument is number of entries (+ve from top, -ve
    from bottom) (default is not to display contents)
  -s, --stop-on-error
    stop all copying if an error occurs (default is skip to next file and continue)
    list of input groups to be excluded (default is all groups will be copied)
    list of seeds to be printed (for content printing) (default is print all seeds)



python3 h5view.py compas-output-file.h5

will result in summary output of the HDF5 file compas-output-file.h5 that looks something like this:

Summary of HDF5 file /d/compas/h5out.h5

File size    : 2.1520 GB
Last modified: 2021-07-26 16:25:12.928401

COMPAS Filename              Columns   Entries   Unique SEEDs
--------------------------   -------   -------   ------------
Run_Details                      346        30
BSE_Common_Envelopes              73    582485         476514
BSE_Double_Compact_Objects        12      8725           8725
BSE_RLOF                          34   2997481         536332
BSE_Supernovae                    32    103000          87162
BSE_Switch_Log                    13   7472234         956623
BSE_System_Parameters             33   1050000        1050000

Other h5view.py options (listed above) display headers and file contents.

h5view functionality overview

h5view.py displays summary, header and content information for specified COMPAS HDF5 file(s). If none of the command-line options --summary [-S], --headers [-H], or --contents [-C] are specified, --summary [-s] is assumed. If any of --summary [-S], --headers [-H], or --contents [-C] are specified, then only the option(s) specified are actioned.

Displaying summary information

Summary information displays, for each COMPAS file in the HDF5 file:
  • the name of the COMPAS file

  • the number of columns in the COMPAS file

  • the number of entries in the COMPAS file (actually, the maximum number of entries in any column in the COMPAS file)

Displaying header information

Header information displays, for each COMPAS file in the HDF5 file:
  • the name of each column in the COMPAS file

  • the number of entries in each column of the COMPAS file

  • the data type of each column of the COMPAS file

  • the units associated with each column of the COMPAS file (with the exception of the Run_Details file - there are no units associated with columns in the Run_Details file)

Displaying contents

Contents information displays, for each COMPAS file in the HDF5 file:
  • a header showing the column names in the COMPAS file

  • a row for each entry in the COMPAS file, showing the column values for that row (comma delimited)

The contents display can be limited in two ways:

  1. The --contents [-C] option takes and optional argument: an integer number of rows to display. The argument to --contents [-C] can be positive or negative: a positive value indicates that the number of rows specified by the argument should be displayed from the start of the file; a negative value indicates that the number of rows specified by the (absolute value of the) argument should be displayed from the end of the file. The +ve and -ve arguments to the --contents [-C] option are akin the the Unix head and tail commands.

  2. The --seeds [-V] option allows the user to specify a list of SEED values that should be printed. If the --seeds [-V] option is specified, only rows containing the seeds specified by the user will be printed - and only if they are in the entries printed if limited by the --contents [-C] argument described in (a).

    Note that printing only seeds specified in a list of seeds could be slow - we effectively have to look through the entire dataset looking for the seeds required.