Program option list and default values

Any program options that are not specified take default values.

  • On the command line, program options that are not explicitly specified default to the COMPAS default value for the option (as specified in the COMPAS code - may be sampled from a distribution).

  • On a grid file line, program options that are not explicitly specified default to the value specified for that option on the command line. If the program option was not explicitly specified on the command line, it will default to the COMPAS default value for the option, as described above. That is, the value for any option not specified on a grid file line option falls back to the value specified on the command line, which falls back to the COMPAS default if it was not specified on the command line.

The full list of program options with brief explanations and their default values is shown below. We also include a listing of options (this time, by name only) grouped by category.

Alphabetical listing: jump to A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Category listing: jump to Initial conditions Stellar evolution and winds Mass transfer physics Supernovae Administrative

COMPAS information

--help [ -h ]
Prints COMPAS help.

--version [ -v ]
Prints COMPAS version string.

Alphabetical listing

Add columns for program options to SSE System Parameters/BSE System Parameters file (mode dependent).
Options: { ALWAYS, GRID, NEVER }
Default = GRID


indicates that the program options should be added to the sysparms file


indicates that the program options should be added to the sysparms file only if

a GRID file is specified, or RANGEs or SETs are specified for options


indicates that the program options should not be added to the sysparms file

Allow ECSNe in effectively single progenitors.
Default = FALSE

Allow binaries that have one or both stars in RLOF at birth to evolve as over-contact systems.
Default = TRUE

Allow binaries that are touching at birth to be included in the sampling.
Default = FALSE

Conserve angular momentum when binary is circularised when entering a Mass Transfer episode.
Default = FALSE

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Black hole kicks relative to NS kicks (not relevant for MULLERMANDEL --remnant-mass-prescription).
Default = FALLBACK
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --black-hole-kicks-mode in future.

Black hole kicks relative to NS kicks (not relevant for MULLERMANDEL --remnant-mass-prescription).
Default = FALLBACK

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Prescription for the stability of case BB/BC mass transfer.
Case BB mass transfer is treated as always stable, always stable only for mass transfer onto neutron stars or black holes, with stability as determined for all other mass transfer, or always unstable, respectively

Check the photon tiring limit is not exceeded during mass loss.
Default = FALSE

Chemically Homogeneous Evolution mode. See [Riley et al., 2021] for details of the implementation of Chemically Homogeneous Evolution in COMPAS
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --chemically-homogeneous-evolution-mode in future.

Chemically Homogeneous Evolution mode. See [Riley et al., 2021] for details of the implementation of Chemically Homogeneous Evolution in COMPAS

Circularise binary when it enters a Mass Transfer episode.
Default = TRUE

Allow binaries that experience Roche lobe overflow immediately at the end of the CE phase to survive.
Default = FALSE

Allow main sequence accretors to survive common envelope evolution if other criteria point to survival.
Default = TRUE

Allow binaries with an evolved component with a radiative envelope to survive the common envelope phase (they always survive in the --common-envelope-formalism TWO_STAGE option).
Default = FALSE

Common Envelope efficiency alpha.
Default = 1.0

Thermal energy contribution to the total envelope binding energy.
Defined such that \(\lambda = \alpha_{th} \times \lambda_{b} + (1.0 - \alpha_{th}) \times \lambda_{g}\).
Default = 1.0

CE formalism prescription.
Options: { ENERGY, TWO_STAGE }
ENERGY is the standard alpha-lambda formalism; TWO_STAGE is the formalism of Hirai & Mandel (2022) -- the latter always allows radiative-envelope donors to survive CE, so --common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive option is ignored
Default = ENERGY

Common Envelope lambda.
Only used when --common-envelope-lambda-prescription = LAMBDA_FIXED.
Default = 0.1

Multiplicative constant to be applied to the common envelope lambda parameter for any prescription.
Default = 1.0

Continuous extrapolation beyond maximum radius range in Nanjing lambda's as implemented in StarTrack. Only used when --common-envelope-lambda-prescription = LAMBDA_NANJING.
Default = FALSE

Interpolate Nanjing lambda parameters across different mass models. Only used when --common-envelope-lambda-prescription = LAMBDA_NANJING.
Default = FALSE

Interpolate Nanjing lambda parameters across population I and population II metallicity models. Only used when --common-envelope-lambda-prescription = LAMBDA_NANJING.
Default = FALSE

Use rejuvenated or effective ZAMS mass instead of true birth mass when computing Nanjing lambda parameters. Only used when --common-envelope-lambda-prescription = LAMBDA_NANJING.
Default = FALSE

CE lambda (envelope binding energy) prescription.
LAMBDA_FIXED is a constant; LAMBDA_LOVERIDGE is the prescription from Loveridge et al., 2011; LAMBDA_NANJING is from Xu & Li, 2010; LAMBDA_KRUCKOW is from Kruckow et al., 2016; and LAMBDA_DEWI is the fit from Appendix A in Claeys et al. 2014, based on Dewi & Tauris 2000

Value of mass accreted by NS/BH during common envelope evolution if assuming all NS/BH accrete same amount of mass.
Used when --common-envelope-mass-accretion-prescription = CONSTANT, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.0

Maximum amount of mass accreted by NS/BHs during common envelope evolution (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 0.1

Minimum amount of mass accreted by NS/BHs during common envelope evolution (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 0.04

Assumption about whether NS/BHs can accrete mass during common envelope evolution.
ZERO is no accretion; CONSTANT means a fixed amount of accretion determined by --common-envelope-mass-accretion-constant; UNIFORM means a uniform random draw between --common-envelope-mass-accretion-min and --common-envelope-mass-accretion-max (Oslowski et al., 2011);, MACLEOD follows the prescription of MacLeod et al., 2015, and CHEVALIER follows the accretion assumptions in Chevalier et al. 1993 as in Model 2 from van Son et al. 2020
Default = ZERO

Recombination energy density (erg g−1).
Default = \(1.5 \times 10^{13}\)

Slope for the Kruckow lambda (see Kruckow et al. 2016 as implemented by Vigna-Gomez et al. 2018).
Default = −0.833333

Temperature [K] threshold, below which the envelopes of giants are convective. Only used for --envelope-state-prescription = FIXED_TEMPERATURE, ignored otherwise.
Default = 5370

Multiplicative constant for wind mass loss of cool stars, i.e. those with temperatures below the VINK_MASS_LOSS_MINIMUM_TEMP (default 12500K).
Default = 1.0

Creates new YAML file. Argument is filename for new YAML file.
Default = None - name must be supplied if option is present.

Critical mass ratio for MT from a HG star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.21

Critical mass ratio for MT from a HG star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.25

Critical mass ratio for MT from a MS star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.0

Critical mass ratio for MT from a MS star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.625

Critical mass ratio for MT from a MS star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 1.0

Critical mass ratio for MT from a MS star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 1.44

Critical mass ratio for MT from a giant star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.87

Critical mass ratio for MT from a giant star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default shows -1, but this translates to a function of the core mass ratio, as described in Claeys+ 2014.

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium HG star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.21

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium HG star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.25

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium MS star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.0

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium MS star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.0

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium giant star to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.87

Critical mass ratio for MT from a helium giant star to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 1.28

Critical mass ratio stability prescription (if any).
NONE defaults to the zeta prescription for stability.
CLAEYS uses qCrit values from Claeys et al. 2014.
GE uses qCrit values from Ge et al. series (Papers I-V) (adiabatic assumption).
GE_IC uses qCrit values from Ge et al. series (Papers I-V) (isentropic envelope assumption).
HURLEY_HJELLMING_WEBBINK uses qCrit values from Hurley et al. 2002 (Hjellming & Webbink 1987 for mass transfer from a giant primary).
Warning: if running with --critical-mass-ratio-prescription, zetas will not be computed, so should not be trusted in the outputs.
Default = NONE

Critical mass ratio for MT from a white dwarf to a degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 1.6

Critical mass ratio for MT from a white dwarf to a non-degenerate accretor.
0 is always stable, < 0 is disabled.
Only used for --critical-mass-ratio-prescription CLAEYS, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.0

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Developer-defined debug classes to enable (vector).
Default = All debug classes enabled (e.g. no filtering)

Determines which print statements are displayed for debugging.
Default = 0

Write debug statements to file.
Default = FALSE

Print BSE detailed information to file.
Default = FALSE

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--eccentricity [ -e ]
Initial eccentricity for a binary star when evolving in BSE mode. Default = 0.0

Initial eccentricity distribution.
ZERO always circular, FLAT is uniform on [--eccentricity-min,``--eccentricity-max``], THERMAL is p(e) proportional to e, and the other options refer to the distributions of Geller et al. 2013, Duqennoy & Mayor 1991, and Sana et al. 2012.
Default = ZERO

Maximum eccentricity to generate.
Default = 1.0

Minimum eccentricity to generate.
Default = 0.0

Multiplication factor for Eddington accretion for NS & BH (i.e. > 1 is super-eddington and 0 is no accretion).
Default = 1.0

Emit gravitational radiation at each timestep of binary evolution according to Peters 1964.
Default = FALSE

Display warning messages to stdout.
Default = FALSE

Enable rotationally enhanced mass loss for rapidly rotating stars following Langer (1998) Default = FALSE

Enhance lifetimes and luminosities of CH stars using a fit to detailed models from Szecsi et al. (2015) Default = FALSE

Prescription for determining whether the envelope of the star is convective or radiative.
LEGACY refers to the model used in Stevenson et al., 2017
HURLEY refers to the model of Hurley, Pols, Tout, 2002
FIXED_TEMPERATURE assumes that a deep convective envelope developes only when the temperature drops below CONVECTIVE_BOUNDARY_TEMPERATURE (Klencki et al., 2020)
Default = LEGACY

Write error messages to file.
Default = FALSE

Expel convective envelope in a pulsation if the luminosity to mass ratio exceeds the threshold given by --luminosity-to-mass-threshold
Default = FALSE

Continue evolving double white dwarf systems after their formation.
Default = FALSE

Continue evolving the remnant after a main sequence merger.
Default = FALSE

Evolve pulsar properties of Neutron Stars.
Default = FALSE

Continue evolving stars even if the binary is disrupted.
Default = TRUE

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Fix dimensionless kick magnitude to this value.
Default = n/a (not used if option not present)

Specifies the floating-point error handling mode.
Options: { OFF, ON, DEBUG }
Default = OFF
Refer to Handling COMPAS errors for a discussion of the option values.

Supernova engine type if using the remnant mass prescription from [Fryer et al., 2012].
Options: { DELAYED, RAPID }
Default = DELAYED

Parameter describing the mixing growth time when using the 'FRYER2022' remnant mass prescription [Fryer et al., 2022].
Default = 0.5, which is closest to the 'DELAYED' remnant mass prescription from [Fryer et al., 2012].
A value of 4.0 is closest to the 'RAPID' remnant mass prescription from [Fryer et al., 2012].
If the FALLBACK option is used for the kicks, then the proto core masses will be determined by the fryer-supernova-engine option.

Critical CO core mass for black hole formation when using the 'FRYER2022' remnant mass distribution [Fryer et al., 2022].
Default = 5.75

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Grid filename. (See grid file)
Default = ’’ (None)

The number of grid file lines to be processed.
Default = Process to EOF

The first line of the grid file to be processed.
Default = 0

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The HDF5 IO buffer size for writing to HDF5 logfiles (number of HDF5 chunks).
Default = 1

The HDF5 dataset chunk size to be used when creating HDF5 logfiles (number of logfile entries).
Default = 100000

--help [ -h ]
Prints COMPAS help (-h is short form, --help includes more information).

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When enabled, changes the definition of "Double Compact Object" from a binary comprised of any two of {Neutron Star, Black Hole}
to a binary star comprised of any two of {Helium White Dwarf, Carbon-Oxygen White Dwarf, Oxygen-Neon White Dwarf, Neutron Star, Black Hole}.
Default = FALSE

Initial mass for a single star when evolving in SSE mode (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = Sampled from IMF

Initial mass for the primary star when evolving in BSE mode (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = Sampled from IMF

Initial mass for the secondary star when evolving in BSE mode (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = Sampled from IMF

--initial-mass-function [ -i ]
Initial mass function.
SALPETER and KROUPA use the IMFs of Salpeter 1955 and Kroupa 2001
POWERLAW samples from a single power law with slope --initial-mass-power
UNIFORM samples uniformly between --initial-mass-min and --initial-mass-min
Default = KROUPA

Maximum mass to generate using given IMF (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 150.0

Minimum mass to generate using given IMF (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 5.0

Single power law power to generate primary mass using POWERLAW IMF.
Default = 0.0

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Natal kick direction distribution.
Kick angles are defined relative to the spin axis.
INPLANE and PERPENDICULAR are strictly in the equatorial plane or in polar directions.
WEDGE and POLES are preferentially but exactly in the equatorial plane or in polar directions with 1 degree scales, respectively.
POWERLAW quantifies the preference for polar vs planar kicks with the --kick-direction-power parameter.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --kick-direction-distribution in future.

Natal kick direction distribution.
Kick angles are defined relative to the spin axis.
INPLANE and PERPENDICULAR are strictly in the equatorial plane or in polar directions.
WEDGE and POLES are preferentially but exactly in the equatorial plane or in polar directions with 1 degree scales, respectively.
POWERLAW quantifies the preference for polar vs planar kicks with the --kick-direction-power parameter.

Power for power law kick direction distribution, where 0.0 = isotropic, +ve = polar, -ve = in plane.
Default = 0.0 (isotropic)

Value to be used as the (drawn) kick magnitude for a single star when evolving in SSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event (\(km s^{−1}\)).
If a value for option --kick-magnitude-random is specified, it will be used in preference to --kick-magnitude.
Default = 0.0

Value to be used as the (drawn) kick magnitude for the primary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event (\(km s^{−1}\)).
If a value for option --kick-magnitude-random-1 is specified, it will be used in preference to --kick-magnitude-1.
Default = 0.0

Value to be used as the (drawn) kick magnitude for the secondary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event (\(km s^{−1}\)).
If a value for option --kick-magnitude-random-2 is specified, it will be used in preference to --kick-magnitude-2.
Default = 0.0

Natal kick magnitude distribution.
ZERO assigns kick magnitudes of 0.0.
FIXED always sets the magnitude to a fixed value based on supernova type.
FLAT and MAXWELLIAN draw kicks from uniform or Maxwellian (e.g., Hobbs et al., 2005) distributions, respectively.
BRAYELDRIDGE and MULLERMANDEL use momentum-preserving kicks from Bray & Eldrigde 2018 and Mandel & Mueller 2020, respectively.
MULLER2016 and MULLER2016MAXWELLIAN use kicks from Mueller 2016 as implemented in Vigna-Gomez et al., 2018
(reduced by a factor of sqrt(3) in the latter case).
Note that this is independent from --remnant-mass-prescription to provide flexibility; however, the MULLERMANDEL
kick prescription is intended to be consistently used with the MULLERMANDEL remnant mass prescription,
as well as with the MALTSEV2024 remnant mass prescription.

Maximum drawn kick magnitude (\(km s^{−1}\)).
Must be > 0 if using --kick-magnitude-distribution = FLAT.
Default = −1.0

CDF value to be used to draw the kick magnitude for a single star when evolving in SSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event and should the chosen distribution sample from a cumulative distribution function.
Must be a floating-point number in the range \([0.0, 1.0)\).
The specified value for this option will be used in preference to any specified value for --kick-magnitude.
Default = Random number drawn uniformly from \([0.0, 1.0)\)

CDF value to be used to draw the kick magnitude for the primary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event and should the chosen distribution sample from a cumulative distribution function.
Must be a floating-point number in the range \([0.0, 1.0)\).
The specified value for this option will be used in preference to any specified value for --kick-magnitude-1.
Default = Random number drawn uniformly from \([0.0, 1.0)\)

CDF value to be used to draw the kick magnitude for the secondary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should the star undergo a supernova event and should the chosen distribution sample from a cumulative distribution function.
Must be a floating-point number in the range \([0.0, 1.0)\).
The specified value for this option will be used in preference to any specified value for --kick-magnitude-2.
Default = Random number drawn uniformly from \([0.0, 1.0)\)

Sigma for chosen kick magnitude distribution for black holes (\(km s^{−1}\)).
Ignored if not needed for the chosen kick magnitude distribution.
Default = 265.0

Sigma for chosen kick magnitude distribution for neutron stars (\(km s^{−1}\)).
Ignored if not needed for the chosen kick magnitude distribution.
Default = 265.0

Sigma for chosen kick magnitude distribution for ECSN (\(km s^{−1}\)).
Ignored if not needed for the chosen kick magnitude distribution.
Default = 30.0

Sigma for chosen kick magnitude distribution for USSN (\(km s^{−1}\)).
Ignored if not needed for the chosen kick magnitude distribution.
Default = 30.0

The mean anomaly at the instant of the supernova for the primary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event.
Must be a floating-point number in the range \([0.0, 2\pi)\).
Default = Random number drawn uniformly from \([0.0, 2\pi)\)

The mean anomaly at the instant of the supernova for the secondary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event.
Must be a floating-point number in the range \([0.0, 2\pi)\).
Default = Random number drawn uniformly from \([0.0, 2\pi)\)

The angle between ’x’ and ’y’, both in the orbital plane of the supernova vector, for the primary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event (radians).
Default = Drawn according to specified --kick-direction distribution

The angle between ’x’ and ’y’, both in the orbital plane of the supernova vector, for the secondary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event (radians).
Default = Drawn according to specified --kick-direction distribution

Arbitrary factor used to scale kicks.
Default = 1.0

The angle between the orbital plane and the ’z’ axis of the supernova vector for the primary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event (radians).
Default = Drawn according to specified --kick-direction distribution

The angle between the orbital plane and the ’z’ axis of the supernova vector for the secondary star of a binary system when evolving in BSE mode, should it undergo a supernova event (radians).
Default = Drawn according to specified --kick-direction distribution

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Luminous blue variable mass loss prescription.
NONE : No LBV winds
ZERO : No LBV winds
HURLEY : Hurley, Pols, Tout (2000)
HURLEY_ADD : HURLEY in addition to other winds
BELCZYNSKI : Belzcynski et al. 2010
Default = HURLEY_ADD
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Logging classes to be enabled (vector).
Default = All debug classes enabled (e.g. no filtering)

Filename for Common Envelopes logfile (BSE mode).
Default = ’BSE_Common_Envelopes’

Enabled record types for Common Envelopes logfile (BSE mode).
Default = -1 (all record types)

Filename for logfile record definitions file.
Default = ’’ (None)

Filename for the Detailed Output logfile.
Default = ’SSE_Detailed_Output’ for SSE mode; ’BSE_Detailed_Output’ for BSE mode

Enabled record types for the Detailed Output logfile.
Default = -1 (all record types)

Filename for the Double Compact Objects logfile (BSE mode).
Default = ’BSE_Double_Compact_Objects’

Enabled record types for the Double Compact Objects logfile (BSE mode).
Default = -1 (all record types)

Prefix for logfile names.
Default = ’’ (None)

Filename for the Pulsar Evolution logfile (BSE mode).
Default = ’BSE_Pulsar_Evolution’

Enabled record types for the Pulsar Evolution logfile (BSE mode).
Default = -1 (all record types)

Filename for the RLOF Printing logfile (BSE mode).
Default = ’BSE_RLOF’

Enabled record types for the RLOF Printing logfile (BSE mode).
Default = -1 (all record types)

Filename for the Supernovae logfile.
Default = ’SSE_Supernovae’ for SSE mode; ’BSE_Supernovae’ for BSE mode

Enabled record types for the Supernovae logfile.
Default = -1 (all record types)

Filename for the Switch Log logfile.
Default = ’SSE_Switch_Log’ for SSE mode; ’BSE_Switch_Log’ for BSE mode

Filename for the System Parameters logfile (BSE mode).
Default = ’SSE_System_Parameters’ for SSE mode; ’BSE_System_Parameters’ for BSE mode

Enabled record types for the System Parameters logfile (BSE mode).
Default = -1 (all record types)

The type of logfile to be produced by COMPAS. Options are: HDF5, CSV, TSV, TXT.
Default = ’HDF5’

Determines which print statements are included in the logfile.
Default = 0

Multiplicative constant for LBV mass loss. (Use 10 for Mennekens & Vanbeveren (2014)).
Note that wind mass loss will also be multiplied by the --overall-wind-mass-loss-multiplier.
Default = 1.5

Luminous blue variable mass loss prescription.
NONE : No LBV winds
ZERO : No LBV winds
HURLEY : Hurley, Pols, Tout (2000) LBV winds only for LBV stars
HURLEY_ADD : HURLEY in addition to other winds
BELCZYNSKI : Belzcynski et al. 2010
Default = HURLEY_ADD
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --LBV-mass-loss-prescription in future.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Threshold \(\log_{10}(Luminosity/Mass)\) (in solar units) above which, if the option expel-convective-envelope-above-luminosity-threshold is set to TRUE, pulsations eject the convective envelope
Default = 4.2

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Main sequence core mass prescription.
ZERO : No core mass treatment, set to zero
MANDEL : The core following case A mass transfer is set equal to the expected core mass of a newly formed HG star

with mass equal to that of the donor, scaled by the fraction of the donor's MS lifetime at mass transfer

SHIKAUCHI : Core mass according to Shikauchi et al. (2024)
Default = MANDEL

Approximate desired fractional change in stellar mass on phase when setting SSE and BSE timesteps (applied before --timestep--multiplier).
Recommended value is 0.005.
A value of 0.0 means that this choice is ignored, and timestep estimates will be calculated by COMPAS.
Default = 0.0

Mass loss prescription.
ZERO/NONE : No wind mass loss
HURLEY : Mass loss according to Hurley (2000)
BELCZYNSKI2010: Mass loss as per Belczynski (2010), and the default prior to 2023
MERRITT2024 : Flexible mass loss with phase specific options: (OB, RSG, WR, VMS)
Default = MERRITT2024
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

--mass-ratio [ -q ]
Mass ratio \(\frac{m2}{m1}\) used to determine secondary mass if not specified via --initial-mass-2.
Default: value is sampled if option not specified.

Initial mass ratio distribution for \(q = \frac{m2}{m1}\).
Options: { FLAT, DUQUENNOYMAYOR1991, SANA2012 }
FLAT is uniform in the mass ratio between --mass-ratio-min and --mass-ratio-max.
Other prescriptions follow Duquennoy & Mayor 1991 and Sana et al. 2012
Default = FLAT

Maximum mass ratio \(\frac{m2}{m1}\) to generate.
Default = 1.0

Minimum mass ratio \(\frac{m2}{m1}\) to generate.
Default = 0.01

Enable mass transfer.
Default = TRUE
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --use-mass-transfer in future.

Mass transfer accretion efficiency prescription.
Options: { THERMAL, FIXED }
Default = THERMAL

Mass Transfer Angular Momentum Loss prescription.

Mass Transfer fraction accreted (beta).
Used when --mass-transfer-accretion-efficiency-prescription = FIXED.
Default = 0.5

Specific angular momentum with which the non-accreted system leaves the system.
Used when --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription = ARBITRARY, ignored otherwise.
Default = 1.0

Specific angular momentum interpolation fraction for degenerate accretors, linear between 0 and 1 corresponding to the accretor and L2 point.
Used when --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription = MACLEOD_LINEAR, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.5

Specific angular momentum interpolation fraction for non-degenerate accretors, linear between 0 and 1 corresponding to the accretor and L2 point.
Used when --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription = MACLEOD_LINEAR, ignored otherwise.
Default = 0.5

Mass Transfer Rejuvenation prescription.
HURLEY uses the Hurley, Pols, Tout (2000) model.
STARTRACK uses the model from Belczynski et al. 2008

Mass Transfer Thermal Accretion limit multiplier.
Default = CFACTOR
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-accretor-multiplier in future.

Mass Transfer Thermal Accretion limit multiplier.
Default = CFACTOR

Mass Transfer Thermal rate factor for the accretor.
Default = 10.0

Maximum time to evolve binaries (Myr). Evolution of the binary will stop if this number is reached.
Default = 13700.0

Maximum donor mass allowed for the revised common envelope formalism of Nandez & Ivanova (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 2.0

Maximum mass of a neutron star (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 2.5

Maximum number of timesteps to evolve binary. Evolution of the binary will stop if this number is reached.
Default = 99999

Minimum core mass at base of AGB to avoid fully degenerate CO core formation (\(M_\odot\)).
e.g. 1.6 in [Hurley et al., 2000] presciption; 1.83 in [Fryer et al., 2012] and Belczynski et al. (2008) models.
Default = 1.6

--metallicity [ -z ]
The value specified for metallicity is applied to both stars for BSE mode.
Default = 0.0142

Metallicity distribution.
ZSOLAR uses ZSOL_ASPLUND for all initial metallicities.
LOGUNIFORM draws the metallicity uniformly in the log between --metallicity-min and --metallicity-max
Default = ZSOLAR

Maximum metallicity to generate.
Default = 0.03

Minimum metallicity to generate.
Default = 0.0001

Minimum mass of secondary to generate (\(M_\odot\)).
Defaults to 0.1 if --initial-mass-2 is specified, otherwise value of --initial-mass-min.

The mode of evolution.
Options: { SSE, BSE }
Default = BSE

Scaling prefactor for BH kicks when using the MULLERMANDEL kick magnitude distribution
Default = 200.0

Scaling prefactor for NS kicks when using the MULLERMANDEL kick magnitude distribution
Default = 520.0

Scatter width for NS and BH kicks when using the MULLERMANDEL kick magnitude distribution
Default = 0.3

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--natal-kick-for-PPISN TRUE indicates PPISN remnants will receive natal kicks via the same prescription as CCSN remnants.
FALSE indicates PPISN remnants will receive no natal kicks.
Default = TRUE

Assumption about neutrino mass loss during BH formation (works with FRYER2012 or FRYER2022 --remnant-mass-prescription, but not MULLERMANDEL).
Default = FIXED_MASS

Amount of mass lost in neutrinos during BH formation (either as fraction or in solar masses, depending on the value of --neutrino-mass-loss-bh-formation).
Default = 0.1

Neutron star equation of state.
Options: { SSE, ARP3 }
Default = SSE

Annotation strings (vector).
Default = ""

Annotations header strings (vector).
Default = No annotations

--number-of-systems [ -n ]
The number of systems to simulate.
Single stars for SSE mode; binary stars for BSE mode.
This option is ignored if either of the following is true:

  • the user specified a grid file

  • the user specified a range or set for any options - this implies a grid

In both cases the number of objects evolved will be the number specified by the grid.
Default = 10

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Main sequence mass loss prescription.
Options: { NONE, ZERO, VINK2001, VINK2021, BJORKLUND2022, KRTICKA2018 }
NONE/ZERO turns off mass loss for main sequence stars.|br| Default = VINK2021
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --OB-mass-loss-prescription in future.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Main sequence mass loss prescription.
Options: { NONE, ZERO, VINK2001, VINK2021, BJORKLUND2022, KRTICKA2018 }
NONE/ZERO turns off mass loss for main sequence stars.|br| Default = VINK2021
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Initial orbital period for a binary star when evolving in BSE mode (days).
Used only if the semi-major axis is not specified via --semi-major-axis.
Default: value is sampled if option not specified.

Initial orbital period distribution.
Options: { FLATINLOG }

Maximum period to generate (days).
Default = 1000.0

Minimum period to generate (days).
Default = 1.1

--output-container [ -c ]
Container (directory) name for output files.
Default = ’COMPAS_Output’

--output-path [ -o ]
Path to which output is saved (i.e. directory in which the output container is created).
Default = Current working directory (CWD)

Multiplicative constant for overall wind mass loss.
Note that this multiplication factor is applied after the luminous-blue-variable-multiplier, the wolf-rayet-multiplier, and the cool-wind-mass-loss-multiplier.
Default = 1.0

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Enable pair instability supernovae (PISN).
Default = TRUE

Minimum core mass for PISN (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 60.0

Maximum core mass for PISN (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 135.0

Print details of population.
Default = FALSE

Shift in CO core mass for PPI (in Msol) for the Hendriks+23 PPI prescription Default = 0.0

Minimum core mass for PPI (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 35.0

Maximum core mass for PPI (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 60.0

Print boolean properties as ’TRUE’ or ’FALSE’.
Default = FALSE

Pulsar birth magnetic field distribution.
Default = ZERO

Maximum (\(log_{10}\)) pulsar birth magnetic field.
Default = 13.0

Minimum (\(log_{10}\)) pulsar birth magnetic field.
Default = 11.0

Pulsar birth spin period distribution.
Default = ZERO

Maximum pulsar birth spin period (ms).
Default = 100.0

Minimum pulsar birth spin period (ms).
Default = 10.0

Mass scale on which magnetic field decays during accretion (\(M_\odot\)).
Default = 0.025

Timescale on which magnetic field decays (Myr).
Default = 1000.0

\(log_{10}\) of the minimum pulsar magnetic field (Gauss).
Default = 8.0

Enable mass loss due to pulsational-pair-instability (PPI).
Default = TRUE

Pulsational pair instability prescription (only relevant when using --pulsational-pair-instability).
HENDRIKS implements the prescription from Hendriks et al. 2023
COMPAS, STARTRACK and MARCHANT follow Woosley 2017, Belczynski et al. 2016, and Marchant et al. 2018, all as implemented in Stevenson et al. 2019.
FARMER follows Farmer et al. 2019
Default = MARCHANT

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Suppress printing to stdout.
Default = FALSE

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Approximate desired fractional change in stellar radius on phase when setting SSE and BSE timesteps (applied before --timestep--multiplier).
Recommended value is 0.005.
A value of 0.0 means that this choice is ignored and timestep estimates will be calculated by COMPAS.
Default = 0

Value to use as the seed for the random number generator.
Default = 0

Remnant mass prescription.

If TRUE, preserve a larger donor core mass following case A mass transfer.
The core is set equal to the expected core mass of a newly formed HG star with mass equal to that of the donor, scaled by the fraction of the donor's MS lifetime at mass transfer.
Default = TRUE
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --main-sequence-core-mass-prescription MANDEL in future.

Enable revised energy formalism of Nandez & Ivanova.
Default = FALSE

Print RLOF events to logfile.
Default = TRUE

Magnitude of post-SN pulsar rocket kick for the primary, in km/s.
Default = 0.0

Magnitude of post-SN pulsar rocket kick for the secondary, in km/s.
Default = 0.0

The in-plane angle \([0.0, 2pi)\) of the rocket kick velocity that primary neutron star receives following the supernova.
Default = 0.0

The in-plane angle \([0.0, 2pi)\) of the rocket kick velocity that secondary neutron star receives following the supernova.
Default = 0.0

The polar angle [0, pi] of the rocket kick velocity that primary neutron star receives following the supernova. 0 is aligned with orbital AM.
Default = 0.0

The polar angle \([0, pi]`\) of the rocket kick velocity that secondary neutron star receives following the supernova. 0 is aligned with orbital AM.
Default = 0.0

Initial rotational frequency of the star for SSE (Hz).
Default = 0.0 (--rotational-velocity-distribution used if --rotational-frequency not specified)

Initial rotational frequency of the primary star for BSE (Hz).
Default = 0.0 (--rotational-velocity-distribution used if --rotational-frequency-1 not specified)

Initial rotational frequency of the secondary star for BSE (Hz).
Default = 0.0 (--rotational-velocity-distribution used if --rotational-frequency-2 not specified)

Initial rotational velocity distribution.
ZERO sets all initial rotational velocities to 0.0.
HURLEY and VLTFLAMES sample initial rotational velocities from the Hurley, Pols, Tout (2000) and Ramirez-Agudelo et al. (2013,2015), respectively
Default = ZERO

Red supergiant mass loss prescription.
Options: { NONE, ZERO, VINKSABHAHIT2023, BEASOR2020, DECIN2023, YANG2023, KEE2021, NJ90 }
NONE/ZERO turns off mass loss for giant stars (stellar types CHeB, FGB, EAGB, TPAGB) below the RSG_MAXIMUM_TEMP.
Default = DECIN2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --RSG-mass-loss-prescription in future.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Red supergiant mass loss prescription.
Options: { NONE, ZERO, VINKSABHAHIT2023, BEASOR2020, DECIN2023, YANG2023, KEE2021, NJ90 }
NONE/ZERO turns off mass loss for giant stars (stellar types CHeB, FGB, EAGB, TPAGB) below the RSG_MAXIMUM_TEMP.
Default = DECIN2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

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Scale mass loss for chemically homogeneously evolving (CHE) stars with the surface helium abundance. Transition from OB to WR mass loss towards the end of the main sequence. Default = False

Scale terminal wind velocity with metallicity to this power Default = 0.0

Initial semi-major axis for a binary star when evolving in BSE mode (AU).
Default = 0.1

--semi-major-axis-distribution [ -a ]
Initial semi-major axis distribution.

Maximum semi-major axis to generate (AU).
Default = 1000.0

Minimum semi-major axis to generate (AU).
Default = 0.01

Prescription for convective donor radial response zeta.
The prescription only applies to stars with convective envelopes.
Stars with radiative envelopes take the values from --zeta-main-sequence or --zeta-radiative-giant-star.
SOBERMAN uses zeta from Soberman, Phinney, and van den Heuvel (1997).
HURLEY uses zeta from Hurley, Pols, Tout (2002).
ARBITRARY uses fixed value set in --zeta-adiabatic-arbitrary.
Default = SOBERMAN

Enables copying of any specified grid file and/or logfile-definitios file to the COMPAS output container.
Default = TRUE

Enables printing of the Switch Log logfile.
Default = FALSE

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Prescription for tidal evolution of the binary.
Options: { NONE, PERFECT, KAPIL2024 }
NONE disables tidal interactions.
PERFECT evolves the binary assuming instantaneous synchronization and circularization.
KAPIL2024 uses the prescription from Kapil+ (2024). When using this prescription, set --chemically-homogeneous-evolution-mode NONE to avoid conflicts with stellar spins.
Default = NONE

User-defined timesteps filename. (See Timestep files)
Default = ’’ (None)

Multiplicative factor for timestep duration.
Default = 1.0

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Enable mass loss through winds.
Default = TRUE Note that setting this option to FALSE can have unexpected consequences, e.g., TPAGB stars that are prevented from losing mass cannot become white dwarfs, so will become massless remnants. This is a useful option for testing, but this setting is not recommended for production. It is better to use specific wind prescription controls, such as:

Enable mass transfer.
Default = TRUE

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--version [ -v ]
Prints COMPAS version string.

Very massive main sequence mass loss prescription.
Applied above the VMS_MASS_THRESHOLD (\(100 M_\odot\)) by default.
NONE/ZERO turns off VMS mass loss.
Default = SABHAHIT2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --VMS-mass-loss-prescription in future.
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

Very massive main sequence mass loss prescription.
Applied above the VMS_MASS_THRESHOLD (\(100 M_\odot\)) by default.
NONE/ZERO turns off VMS mass loss.
Default = SABHAHIT2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE: the value of NONE for this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use ZERO in future.

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Multiplicative constant for Wolf Rayet winds. Note that wind mass loss will also be multiplied by the overall-wind-mass-loss-multiplier.
Default = 1.0

Wolf-Rayet mass loss prescription.
Options: { BELCZYNSKI2010, SANDERVINK2023, SHENAR2019 }
Default = SANDERVINK2023
DEPRECATION NOTICE: this option has been deprecated and will soon be removed. Please use --WR-mass-loss-prescription in future.

Wolf-Rayet mass loss prescription.
Options: { BELCZYNSKI2010, SANDERVINK2023, SHENAR2019 }
Default = SANDERVINK2023

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Template filename for creation of YAML file (see also --create-YAML-file).
Default = "" (No template file)

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Value of logarithmic derivative of radius with respect to mass, \(\zeta\) adiabatic.
Default = \(1.0 \times 10^4\)

Value of logarithmic derivative of radius with respect to mass, \(\zeta\) on the main sequence.
Default = 2.0

Value of logarithmic derivative of radius with respect to mass, \(\zeta\) for radiative-envelope giant-like stars (including Hertzsprung Gap (HG) stars).
Default = 6.5

Category listing

Go to the top of this page for the full alphabetical list of options with explanations and default values

Initial conditions

--initial-mass-function, --initial-mass, --initial-mass-1, --initial-mass-2, --initial-mass-min, --initial-mass-max, --initial-mass-power

--mass-ratio-distribution, --mass-ratio, --mass-ratio-min, --mass-ratio-max, --minimum-secondary-mass

--eccentricity-distribution, --eccentricity, --eccentricity-min, --eccentricity-max

--metallicity-distribution, --metallicity, --metallicity-min, --metallicity-max

--orbital-period-distribution, --orbital-period, --orbital-period-min, --orbital-period-max, --semi-major-axis-distribution, --semi-major-axis, --semi-major-axis-min, --semi-major-axis-max, --allow-rlof-at-birth, --allow-touching-at-birth

--rotational-velocity-distribution, --rotational-frequency, --rotational-frequency-1, --rotational-frequency-2

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Stellar evolution and winds

--use-mass-loss, --check-photon-tiring-limit, --cool-wind-mass-loss-multiplier, --luminous-blue-variable-prescription, --LBV-mass-loss-prescription --luminous-blue-variable-multiplier, --main-sequence-core-mass-prescription, --mass-loss-prescription, --overall-wind-mass-loss-multiplier, --wolf-rayet-multiplier, --expel-convective-envelope-above-luminosity-threshold, --luminosity-to-mass-threshold, --OB-mass-loss, --OB-mass-loss-prescription, --RSG-mass-loss, --RSG-mass-loss-prescription, --VMS-mass-loss, --vms-mass-loss-prescription, --WR-mass-loss, --WR-mass-loss-prescription

--chemically-homogeneous-evolution, --chemically-homogeneous-evolution-mode

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Mass transfer physics

--case-bb-stability-prescription, --convective-envelope-temperature-threshold, --critical-mass-ratio-prescription, --critical-mass-ratio-HG-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-HG-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-MS-high-mass-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-MS-high-mass-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-MS-low-mass-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-MS-low-mass-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-giant-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-giant-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-HG-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-HG-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-MS-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-MS-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-giant-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-helium-giant-non-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-white-dwarf-degenerate-accretor, --critical-mass-ratio-white-dwarf-non-degenerate-accretor, --eddington-accretion-factor, --mass-transfer, --use-mass-transfer, --mass-transfer-accretion-efficiency-prescription, --mass-transfer-angular-momentum-loss-prescription, --mass-transfer-fa, --mass-transfer-jloss, --mass-transfer-jloss-macleod-linear-fraction-degen, --mass-transfer-jloss-macleod-linear-fraction-non-degen, --mass-transfer-rejuvenation-prescription, --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-accretor, --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-accretor-multiplier, --mass-transfer-thermal-limit-C, --retain-core-mass-during-caseA-mass-transfer, --stellar-zeta-prescription, --zeta-adiabatic-arbitrary, --zeta-main-sequence, --zeta-radiative-giant-star

--circulariseBinaryDuringMassTransfer, --angular-momentum-conservation-during-circularisation, --tides-prescription

--envelope-state-prescription, --common-envelope-alpha, --common-envelope-alpha-thermal, --common-envelope-formalism, --common-envelope-lambda-prescription, --common-envelope-lambda, --common-envelope-slope-kruckow, --common-envelope-lambda-multiplier, --common-envelope-lambda-nanjing-enhanced, --common-envelope-lambda-nanjing-interpolate-in-mass, --common-envelope-lambda-nanjing-interpolate-in-metallicity, --common-envelope-lambda-nanjing-use_rejuvenated-mass, --common-envelope-allow-main-sequence-survive, --common-envelope-allow-radiative-envelope-survive, --common-envelope-allow-immediate-RLOF-post-CE-survive, --common-envelope-mass-accretion-prescription, --common-envelope-mass-accretion-constant, --common-envelope-mass-accretion-min, --common-envelope-mass-accretion-max, --common-envelope-recombination-energy-density, --maximum-mass-donor-nandez-ivanova, --revised-energy-formalism-nandez-ivanova

Back to Top


--remnant-mass-prescription, --fryer-supernova-engine, --fryer-22-fmix, --fryer-22-mcrit, --maximum-neutron-star-mass, --mcbur1, --allow-non-stripped-ECSN, --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation, --neutrino-mass-loss-BH-formation-value, --neutron-star-equation-of-state, --pair-instability-supernovae, --PISN-lower-limit, --PISN-upper-limit, --PPI-CO-Core-Shift-Hendriks, --PPI-lower-limit, --PPI-upper-limit, --pulsational-pair-instability, --pulsational-pair-instability-prescription

--pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution, --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-min, --pulsar-birth-magnetic-field-distribution-max, --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution, --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-min, --pulsar-birth-spin-period-distribution-max, --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-massscale, --pulsar-magnetic-field-decay-timescale, --pulsar-minimum-magnetic-field

--kick-magnitude-distribution, --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-BH, --kick-magnitude-sigma-CCSN-NS, --kick-magnitude-sigma-ECSN, --kick-magnitude-sigma-USSN, --black-hole-kicks, --black-hole-kicks-mode, --fix-dimensionless-kick-magnitude, --kick-magnitude, --kick-magnitude-1, --kick-magnitude-2, --kick-magnitude-min, --kick-magnitude-max, --kick-magnitude-random, --kick-magnitude-random-1, --kick-magnitude-random-2, --kick-scaling-factor, -muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-BH, --muller-mandel-kick-multiplier-NS, --muller-mandel-sigma-kick

--kick-direction, --kick-direction-distribution, --kick-direction-power, --kick-mean-anomaly-1, --kick-mean-anomaly-2, --kick-phi-1, --kick-phi-2, --kick-theta-1, --kick-theta-2

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--mode, --number-of-systems, --emit-gravitational-radiation, --evolve-double-white-dwarfs, --evolve-main-sequence-mergers, --evolve-pulsars, --evolve-unbound-systems, --include-WD-binaries-as-DCO, --mass-change-fraction, --maximum-evolution-time, --maximum-number-timestep-iterations, --radial-change-fraction, --random-seed, --timestep-multiplier, --timestep-filename


--grid, --grid-start-line, --grid-lines-to-process

--add-options-to-sysparms, --debug-classes, --debug-level, --debug-to-file, --detailed-output, --detailed-output, --enable-warnings, --errors-to-file, --help, --notes, --notes-hdrs, --population-data-printing, --print-bool-as-string, --quiet, --version

--log-classes, --logfile-definitions, --logfile-name-prefix, --logfile-type, --log-level, --logfile-common-envelopes, --logfile-common-envelopes-record-types, --logfile-detailed-output, --logfile-detailed-output-record-types, --logfile-double-compact-objects, --logfile-double-compact-objects-record-types, --logfile-pulsar-evolution, --logfile-pulsar-evolution-record-type, --logfile-rlof-parameters, --logfile-rlof-parameters-record-types, --logfile-supernovae, --logfile-supernovae-record-types, --logfile-switch-log, --logfile-system-parameters, --logfile-system-parameters-record-types, --output-container, --output-path, --rlof-printing, --store-input-files, --switch-log, --hdf5-buffer-size, --hdf5-chunk-size

--create-YAML-file, YAML-template

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