Pre-processing tools

The COMPAS suite includes some useful pre-processing tools that are located in the compas_python_utils/preprocessing directory. These are installed once you install the COMPAS python utils.


compas_run_submit (formerly is a Python CLI command that, in conjunction with a YAML file, constructs and executes the operating system command that runs COMPAS. This is a convenient method of running COMPAS when the number of COMPAS options to be specified is large, or for users that are not familiar with operating system command-line arguments.

Refer to Running COMPAS via Python for more details.

Sampling in COMPAS

COMPAS has built-in functionality for sampling using simple distributions for initial masses, binary mass ratios, semi-major axes, eccentricities, and metallicities.

More complex distributions can be sampled with external scripts which can then generate a suitable gridfile. An example is the Moe & DiStefano (2017) distribution for the initial parameters of a binary that couples the two masses, orbital period, and eccentricity.

The sampler script for the Moe & DiStefano (2017) distribution can be found in compas_python_utils/preprocessing/ As described in the header, only the number of systems and upper and lower mass bounds can be set (the parameter correlations break if you try to set the other bounds). These values are set at the bottom of the script.


The COMPAS YAML file is an options configuration file for use with code::compas_run_submit.

YAML files are text files that use a minimal syntax, with Python-style indentation to indicate nesting, and a colon-centered syntax for expressing key-value pairs.

The COMPAS YAML file contains entries, including key-value pairs, for all COMPAS options, where the key is the COMPAS option name (string), and the value is the required option value. A COMPAS option entry in the YAML file also indicates (as comments) the COMPAS default value for the option and, where applicable, the allowed values for the option.

The default COMPAS YAML file (compasConfigDefault.yaml), as distributed, has all COMPAS option entries commented so that the COMPAS default value for the option is used by default. To use a value other than the COMPAS default value, users must uncomment the entry and change the option value to the desired value.

We suggest that users copy and edit the default YAML file provided with the distribution (compasConfigDefault.yaml).

Creating a custom YAML file

There are two ways to create a custom YAML file for COMPAS:

  • modify the default YAML file compasConfigDefault.yaml

  • create, and optionally modify, a new YAML file via COMPAS

Creating a YAML file via COMPAS

Use the COMPAS option --create-YAML-file to create a new YAML file via COMPAS. The --create-YAML-file option requires an argument specifying the name of the YAML file to be created - the file created will be with the name as provided, including any file extension.

For example, the following commands will create YAML files named myYAML.yaml and newYAML respectively:

./COMPAS --create-YAML-file myYAML.yaml
./COMPAS --create-YAML-file newYAML

When COMPAS creates a YAML file, all option values in the resultant YAML file will be the COMPAS default values, except for options that the user specified on the command line when the YAML file was created. Furthermore, all lines in the YAML file specifying a COMPAS option will be commented if the option value is the COMPAS default value, and not commented if the option value was specified on the command line by the user. This allows users to create project-specific YAML files if they wish.

For example, the following command will create a YAML file with all option values set to the COMPAS default, and with all lines specifying options commented:

./COMPAS --create-YAML-file myYAML.yaml

The following command, however, will create a YAML file with all option values set to the COMPAS default, except for the --logfile-type option, which will be set to 'csv', and all lines specifying options will be commented except for the line specifying the --logfile-type option, which will not be commented:

./COMPAS --create-YAML-file myYAML.yaml --logfile-type csv

If the file specified by the --create-YAML-file option already exists, the user will be asked if they wish the existing file to be overwritten.

YAML file format

The format of the YAML file created by COMPAS is determined by a template - either the COMPAS default template (defined in the header file yaml.h), or provided by the user via the --YAML-template option. An existing COMPAS YAML file can be used as a template.

The following command will create a YAML file formatted according to the template contained within the file myYAMLtemplate.yaml:

./COMPAS --create-YAML-file myYAML.yaml --YAML-template myYAMLtemplate.yaml

If the --YAML-template option is not specified, or if it is and the file specified does not exist or is not readable, the default COMPAS template will be used.

YAML template rules

COMPAS uses the following rules (listed in no particular order) when it creates a YAML file:

  • The following two records will be automatically written to the start of YAML file:

    • ##~!!~## COMPAS option values

    • ##~!!~## Created at ddd MMM DD HH:MM:SS YYYY by COMPAS vxx.yy.zz

  • Lines in the template beginning with "##~!!~##" will not be preserved (these are assumed to be COMPAS generated headers, and will be rewritten by COMPAS).

  • Leading '#' characters on option definition lines in the template will not be preserved (but they may be rewritten by COMPAS).

  • Option comments in the template must be preceded by "# " or they will not be preserved.

  • Strings in the template beginning with "# Default: " and up to (but not including) the next '#' (or end of line if no '#') will not be preserved.

  • Strings in the template beginning with "# Options: " and up to (but not including) the next '#' (or end of line if no '#') will not be preserved.

  • Blank lines in the template will be preserved.

  • Option values in the template will not be preserved (but they may be rewritten by COMPAS).

  • Option values written by COMPAS will be the option default values unless COMPAS was run with command-line options set - if the user executed COMPAS and specified options on the command line, the user-specified values will be written to the YAML file, and those option records in the YAML file will not be commented.

  • Options present in the template that are not valid COMPAS options will be ignored and not written to the YAML file.

  • Any COMPAS options that are not present in the template will be written in alphabetical order at the end of the YAML file.

In the following example template:

0001     ##~!!~## COMPAS option values
0002     ##~!!~## File Created Tue Feb 14 13:09:06 2023 by COMPAS v02.34.06
0004     # first comment
0006     booleanChoices:
0007         ### BINARY PROPERTIES
0008     #    --allow-touching-at-birth          # Default: False                                        # second comment
0010         ### STELLAR PROPERTIES
0011         --mass-loss-prescription: 'HURLEY'  # Default: 'VINK'  # Options: ['VINK','HURLEY','NONE']    third comment
  • Lines 0001 and 0002 will not be preserved (but will be replaced by new COMPAS headers).

  • The blank line at line 0003 will be preserved.

  • The comment "first comment" (on line 0004) will be preserved.

  • The blank line at line 0005 will be preserved.

  • The header "booleanChoices:" on line 0006 will be preserved.

  • The header "### BINARY PROPERTIES" on line 0007 will be preserved.

  • The leading '#' on line 0008 will not be preserved (but may be rewritten by COMPAS if the option is set to default).

  • The string beginning with "# Default: " and extending to the next '#' on line 0008 will not be preserved (but will be replaced by COMPAS).

  • The comment "second comment" on line 0008 will be preserved.

  • The blank line at line 0009 will be preserved.

  • The header "### STELLAR PROPERTIES" on line 0010 will be preserved.

  • The string beginning with "# Default: " and extending to the next '#' on line 0011 will not be preserved (but will be replaced by COMPAS).

  • The string beginning with "# Options: " and extending to the next '#' (or, in this case because there is no subsequent '#', the end of the line) on line 0011 will not be preserved (but will be replaced by COMPAS).

  • The comment "third comment" on line 0011 will not be preserved - there is no "# " prefix, so it will be subsumed by the "# Options: " string (which extends from "# Options: " to the end of the line).