COMPAS evolution statusΒΆ
Following is a list of COMPAS evolution status numbers, corresponding symbolic name, and meaning:
Simulation completed without errorERROR
Evolution stopped because an error occurredTIMES_UP
Evolution stopped because the allowed time was exhaustedSTEPS_UP
Evolution stopped because the allowed number of timesteps was exhaustedNO_TIMESTEPS_READ
Evolution stopped because there was an error reading the user-provided timestepsTIMESTEPS_EXHAUSTED
The user-provided timesteps were exhausted before evolution was complete - default timesteps usedTIMESTEPS_NOT_CONSUMED
Evolution completed before all user-provided timesteps were consumedSSE_ERROR
Evolution stopped because an error occurred while evolving one of the constituent stars of a binary starBINARY_ERROR
Evolution stopped because an error occurred while evolving a binary starDCO_MERGER_TIME
Evolution stopped because the the evolution time exceeded DCO merger (formation + coalescence) timeSTARS_TOUCHING
Evolution stopped because the constituent stars of a binary star are touchingSTELLAR_MERGER
Evolution stopped because the constituent stars of a binary star mergedSTELLAR_MERGER_AT_BIRTH
Evolution stopped because the constituent stars of a binary star merged at birthDCO
Evolution stopped because a double compact object formedWD_WD
Evolution stopped because a double white dwarf formedMASSLESS_REMNANT
Evolution stopped because a massless remnant formedUNBOUND
Evolution stopped because the binary star became unboundNOT_STARTED
Simulation not started - not completeSTARTED
Simulation started - not complete